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Showing: Education Reviews

North Carolina Central University

"Mike was awesome! We appreciate his professionalism and flexibility. He interacted with the audience and kept them engaged."

- Public Communications Specialist, Faculty Appreciation Banquet in Durham, NC

Murray State College Foundation

"Oh My Gosh, Mike was perfect. It was a wonderful evening."

- Executive Director, Fundraising Gala in Tishomingo, OK

Center for Plain Language

"Greg was fantastic. He was prompt, friendly, quick on his feet and very engaging."

- Chair, ClearMark Awards in Washington, DC

Education Speakers and Entertainers in Washington, DC
Center for Plain Language

"Greg is a professional on and off the stage. He is willing to work as a team with our staff before the event to create just the right material. And he is easy to work with during rehearsals to create a flawless performance. The audience loved him!"

- Awards Show Producer, ClearMark-WonderMark Awards in Washington, DC

Center for Plain Language

"We were very pleased with Greg. He was charming to work with and we will definitely consider using him again next year. The crowd loved him."

- Vice Chair, WonderMark Awards in Washington, DC

Christian Comedy Acts
Larry Weaver
Larry Weaver